


Friday, July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021

What is the significance of the First World War


 The aftermath and significance of the First World War


       World War I is a very important milestone in the history of the world.  Although the Great War arose mainly as a result of the conflict between the European states, it spread to all continents and the battlefields in water and land space.  The enormity of the loss of life, money, resources and waste is also unprecedented in the First World War.  Apart from being a direct participant in the war, all the states of the world were affected by this all-out war at all levels of national life.  Its omnipotent effect brought about a huge and profound change in the political, social, economic and cultural life of different nations of the world.  Its results are far-reaching and revolutionary in comparison to any other previous war.  

 Political change as a result of the First World War: -

 Map changes in Europe:

        As a result of World War I, four great empires disappeared.  Russian, German, Austrian-Hungarian and Turkish.  The earthquake of political reorganization changed the map of Europe in 1914.  In the war, that is, in 1919, old Europe was no longer known.  The reorganization of Poland, Bohemia, Romania, Lithuania, etc. The creation of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia is a new trend in the political history of Europe.

 The victory of nationalism:

       The spread of nationalist ideology in Europe and all over the world was a revolutionary contribution to the First World War.  The Paris Conference widely recognized nationalism.  This resulted in the fragmentation of multi-ethnic empires into multi-national states.  For example, four independent nation-states were formed, separated from the old Russian Empire - Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.  The Polish state was re-formed with the territories of Poland occupied by Germany, Austria and Russia.  Yugoslavia was formed by connecting Bohemia and Moravia with Czechoslovakia and the Austro-Hungarian Slavic territory with Serbia.  Thus in many cases nationalism wins in Europe.  Of course, this policy was not followed in all parts of Europe.  And in all these regions, fierce nationalism re-emerges and disrupts world peace.

        Nationalism spread beyond Europe.  Nationalist ideology is rapidly gaining strength, mainly in the countries that were under the influence of the imperialist states of Europe.  As a result, mass movements took place in China, Egypt, etc., and in India, Indonesia, etc., the freedom movement intensified to break the shackles of foreign rule.

 Expansion of Democracy:

       With the spread of nationalism came the spread of democracy.  In 1914, republics were established in five countries, including France and Switzerland, but in 1919, the number of republics in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, etc., stood at 16.  Russia established a communist government.

 The emergence of dictatorship:

        An overflowing current of resistance to democracy continues to prevail.  This is a dictatorship.  The failure of the democratic system to solve the economic, social and political problems of post-war Europe became apparent.  And frustrated people consider dictatorship as a system of governance.  In Germany, Italy, Spain, and Turkey, dictators continued to rule with absolute power.

 Rise of Internationalism:

       A joint effort of the Allies in the First World War.  As a result, their interdependence increases, especially in the economic field.  Thus internationalism spread.  The United Nations was established to establish lasting peace.  Although the United Nations has failed to play an effective role in preventing future wars, the impact of internationalism on the economy has been significant.  Internationalism grew through the communist organization Third International.

 Social change as a result of the First World War: -

 Accelerated women's liberation:

       World War I also revolutionized social life in Europe.  Countless young men were killed on both sides in this battle.  As a result, the number of young people in the country is declining.  But the number of women is increasing proportionately.  This has led to many serious social problems.  As the number of able-bodied men decreased and many of them were engaged in direct combat, women in every country started running factories, schools, colleges, hospitals, etc.  As they come forward in equal steps as men, they become equal to men.  Naturally, in the post-war period, when women demanded equal rights and status as men, most of them were recognized.  Thus, the First World War gave impetus to the women's liberation movement.

 Reducing social inequality:

       It can be said that the First World War acted as a supporting force for the establishment of social equality.  During the war, everyone, rich and poor, fought and suffered equally.  Many have sacrificed their lives to achieve a common goal of winning the war. This traditional social class has broken down the wall of inequality and changed social values.

 Increasing the importance of the working class:

      World War I was a national initiative in every country.  As important as the army was in this, the working class played an important role in continuing production in the mills and factories.  So in the post-war period, the working class became aware of their rights.  They chose the path of movement to realize their demands.  As a result, their influence in the political arena increased.  Various workers' welfare social systems were introduced.

 Economic changes as a result of the First World War: -

 Wartime Socialism:

      There was a waste of resources during the First World War.  So the economic crisis in the post-war world intensified.  Factories are destroyed, production is disrupted, and terrible unemployment occurs.  The financial plight of the people became extreme.  During the war state control over production and distribution was established in the industry instead of private enterprise.  Attempts to gain personal profit are condemned in society.  Even in the post-war period, that tradition was not destroyed, so it helped in the spread of socialist thought.  With this wartime socialism, especially in Germany, a "war-based economy" developed.  Under the full control of the state, with the help of the elements of production, the economy is used for the urgent need to win the war.  In the post-war world this economic contribution, economic planning gained popularity.

 Artificially made raw materials:

       Warring countries often did not prepare for war as expected due to a lack of raw materials.  Therefore, to reduce the dependence on the partner countries for the supply of the required raw materials, efforts are being made to produce many raw materials by artificial means.  For example, cellulose, bayonet, plastic, etc. were discovered in this way, which led to the improvement of industry and trade.

 National Financial Self-Sufficiency:

       Finally, World War I eliminated international trade-based economic interdependence.  In its place came Ataki, the national financial self-sufficiency.  During the war, every state had a bitter experience of lack of food and war materials.  So in the post-war period, everyone tried to be self-sufficient in this matter.  Every state has become protectionist by imposing import duty on rhymes to stop imports.  As a result, on the one hand, the products produced in the industrialized countries are accumulating, the factories are closing down and the number of unemployed is increasing.  On the other hand, the prices of goods produced in industrialized countries are greatly increased.  But as the verdict of the people was not increased in proportion to the increase in the price of goods, their misery did not end.  In short, all the countries have reduced their imports and focused on increasing their exports, creating a stalemate in international trade.

 Cultural changes as a result of the First World War: -

    The cultural life of the world was not liberated from the omnipotent effects of the First World War.  The religious revival took place in response to him.  Many people naturally find peace and comfort in the world of religion and the afterlife.  That is why spiritualism gained popularity during the war.  Similarly, many people have a strong belief that education is needed to save civilization from the resurgence of this catastrophic war.  So the efforts for the education of children and adults are increased.  Also significant is another post-war trend.  Previous ideas about justice, marriage, sex, etc., have changed radically.  Their value is relative to their social needs - this theory is gaining popularity.  Contemporary literature also reflected this theory.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 29, 2021

Why the French Revolution happened


 Reasons for the French Revolution of 1789: -


       Through this great revolution came the spontaneous protest of the exploited and oppressed people against the existing system of state and society based on inequality and injustice.  The socio-economic inequality and exploitation combined with political weakness and constitutional unprincipledness created an explosive situation in 1789.  Historian Alfred Koban likens the situation to a catastrophic flood in a combination of numerous small and large rapids.

      The French Revolution was not an accident, nor was it organized for any reason.  Due to political-socio-economic philosophical influences and various other reasons, the gathering started a groundbreaking revolution.

 Political reasons for the French Revolution:

 Autocratic monarchy: -

  Believing in the doctrine that the king's power was God-given and that he was God's representative, he concentrated all power in his own hands.  The king was at once the ruler, the judge, and the legislator, and the destiny of the people.  Under authoritarian rule, there was no such thing as individual freedom in France.  By trampling on the hopes and aspirations of the people, the king ruled according to his whims and fancies.

 Wealth and luxury of Versailles Palace: -

       Louis XIV, despite being a dictator, tried to benefit the people.  But Louis XV was completely indifferent to the rule and indulged in luxuries.  Louis XVI was charismatic in his personal life and interested in the welfare of his subjects.  But due to his lack of character determination, he could not realize his aspirations.  To satisfy their military aspirations and luxuries from generation to generation, they lost the immense wealth of the country.  Indrapuri and Bilas Niketan Versai Rajprasad were inscribed on the tombs of Shubhashub.

 The dominance of the aristocracy and bureaucracy: -

        Taking advantage of this weakness of the royal power, the corrupt elite bureaucrats sought to spread their dominance.  They have to exploit in the name of governance with the help of attendants for their self-interest.  They used royal arrest warrants without the king's knowledge, and the intents of their enemies became oppressors for their self-interest.  To the people of France, they are called greedy wolves.

       Incidentally, the French emperor Louis XVI was fully aware of the complexity of the situation.  He came to power in 1774 and undertook a reform program.  To alleviate the miserable financial crisis, various measures were taken by the ministers like Turg, Necker, Kalon and The Bryan to restructure the austerity measures.  But all these efforts failed due to the opposition of the influential elite.  In the hope of overcoming the revenue crisis, Louis XVI was forced to convene a meeting of the States-General.  Thus the failure to reform the monarchy opened the door to revolution.

 Social causes of the French Revolution: -


 Inequality and corruption in social life:

       There were elite communities that were mainly divided into three classes.  The aristocratic and priestly communities were included in the first and second classes and the dispossessed middle and lower classes were made up of the third class.  The first two classes enjoyed all the powers and privileges of social and political life.  But the third class, the middle and lower classes, which made up the majority of the population, was deprived of all rights to political, social and economic life.  They were also deprived of all rights in state and social life.  But the first two classes, despite getting all the facilities, were exempted from paying taxes.  There was no limit to the misery of the agrarian community, which included the third class, and they had no dignity in social life.  They worked on the land of the zamindar.  They had no independent entity.  We had to live on the grace of the zamindar.  Even though they were suffering from poverty, they could not get relief from taxes.

 Dissatisfaction with the educated and affluent middle class:

     There was no shortage of highly educated and wealthy people in the middle class.  Even though they were advanced in terms of education, they did not get any status in the life of the state and society. Due to this, protests arose in their minds against the discriminatory and corrupt conventional and social system.

 The economic reasons for the French Revolution: -

 Inequality and injustice in economic life:

       Inequality and injustice in the economic life of France were some of the main reasons for the French Revolution.  The population of France grew dangerously, and in 1789 the population of France reached two and a half crores.  On the other hand, abnormal price rises overwhelm the economy as the production system does not improve.  As a result of rising food prices, three-quarters of the common man began to spend on food.  In the eighteenth century, France's economic situation was discriminatory and inconsistent.  The first two classes of the aristocracy enjoyed all the benefits of social and political life.  They were exempted from paying taxes and received various favours.

 The plight of farmers:

       But the poor oppressed third class, the peasantry, which made up the vast majority of the country's population, was deprived of all rights.  But they were given the maximum responsibility to perform their duties towards the state.  Despite their extreme poverty, they were burdened with the highest taxes. One-tenth of them had to pay to the church as a religion.  In this way, the financial life of the afflicted peasants was in dire straits. In addition, in the two years 1787 - 1789, inflation increased drastically and as a result, three-quarters of the income was spent on bread alone.

 The regime's inability to compensate the country for the huge amount of money due to the ongoing war:

      France has suffered enormous financial losses as a result of its constant warfare for more than a century.   They made no effort to improve the country's industrial trade.  They only tried to meet the expenses of the government by increasing the public tax.  But their policies were based on inequality and corruption.  This flawed and discriminatory policy has led to the collapse of France's economic base.

 Sixteenth Louis Cortes States-General and the Beginning of the Revolution:

      When this catastrophe occurred in the economic life of the country, France lost a lot of money as a result of providing military aid to the Americans in the American freedom struggle.    In France, the debt burden is alarming.  In 1789, the national debt was about two and a half billion livers.  Louis XVI and his ministers, meanwhile, we're unable to stabilize the economy through fiscal reforms.  The empty treasury could have been filled by imposing taxes on the privileged classes only, but the influential elite strongly opposed fair tax distribution.  Opposition from the elite made the advent of the French Revolution inevitable.  They were unwilling to reduce their chances and thwarted the economic reform efforts of the Bourbon monarchy.  With the cooperation of the elite, Louis XVI would have been able to get out of the financial crisis and resist the revolution.  But seeing no other way, Louis XVI was compelled to convene a Test General Session, which was convened by the King.  The King's convening of the States-General Assembly marked the beginning of the fall of the dictatorial monarchy.  The catastrophe in the economic public life of France as a whole accelerated the pace of the French Revolution.

      There is a lot of controversy about how economic factors are responsible for the advent of the French Revolution.  Michelle's idea opened the door to the poverty revolution with the oppression of the old system.  Tamweel, on the other hand, felt that the peasants were opposed to special rights and equality because of their economic prosperity.  Professor Labrus has analyzed economic reasons differently, stating that from 1730 to 1780, there was a touch of economic progress.  But after 1780, a period of decline began.  The crop crisis and food crisis of 1788 intensified the protests and the people resorted to violence.  Thus the French Revolution took place in France in 1789.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

July 28, 2021

Some life-changing inspirational quotes



 These  inspirational quotes will inspire life :

    Rise and fall - life with these two.   But that doesn't mean we will break down if we ever have a bad time in life.  The Gita states,  That is, go to work, so do not worry.

 We all know the importance of words all over the world.  When we speak well, good things happen automatically in our lives;  Again, when we speak negatively, nothing good happens in our lives.  If there comes a time in life when you may feel that you can't find any inspiration or motivation, then these inspirational quotes --- will show you the way.

 Inspirational Quotes First Episode:

   Reaching the pinnacle of life requires a strong mind, be it the pinnacle of Everest or the pinnacle of your profession.

   If you ever fail, FAIL, don't despair, because the word FAIL also has a positive meaning - First Attempt In Learning

    Specific goals, constant accumulation of knowledge, hard work and unyielding attitude - these four things can be used to achieve anything.

     Must be addicted to discovery.  We have to go the way that no one has gone.  You have to have the courage to make the impossible possible and succeed by overcoming the problem

   Make sure you tell yourself these four things every morning -

 I am the best

 I can

 Today is my day

 God help me.

   Never break down when there are bad times or obstacles in life.  Bad times or obstacles in life do not come to destroy us, but to develop our infinite energy.  Let him know that you are not a soft soil at all.

      Know that they are the ones who know that you can, And they are afraid of your success.

   Don’t stop after the first win.  Keep up the good work.  Because if you don't win next time, most people will say that you won the next time.

   Success will not come first.   And if you find a solution, you will not get success!

   Achieving specific goals, constant knowledge, hard work, and a ‘never give up’ attitude - these are the four things you can achieve in life if you adhere to them.

    Stand up and learn to recognize the divinity within you

    If one day, you have no problem at all. You can be sure that you are going the wrong way.

   You all have superpowers inside, not atheists.  Those who are believers are heroes, their superpowers will develop.

   Believe that you are born to do great things, you brave young men.  Don't be afraid of the barking of a dog হলেও even if there is a strong thunderbolt from the sky না don't be afraid াড়া stand-up, get up, work.

   The work has been slow forever, will be slow forever;  Now give up lust and just be happy working;  Above all, be holy and strong-hearted and be sincere in your mind and heart so that there is not so much theft in the house of thought, then all will be well.

    Physical help alone cannot alleviate the suffering of the world.  As long as human nature is not changing, these physical deficiencies will always come and sadness will be felt.  No matter how much you help physically, grief will never go away.  The only solution to the world's problems is to cleanse and sanctify mankind.  Everything we see in the world that is miserable and evil is born of ignorance.  Give man enlightenment, let all people be holy, spiritually strong and educated, only then will sorrow be removed from the world, not before.  We can turn every house in the country into a charitable ashram, a hospital in the country, but as long as human nature is not changing, there will be misery.

   Oh, no one can teach anyone.  The teacher does everything with the thought of ‘teaching’.  You know, Vedanta says - this man has everything inside.  A boy has everything inside.  All you have to do is wake them up, that's the teacher's job.  So that the boys learn to use their hands, feet, nose, ears, mouth and eyes to use their intellect.  Then, in the end, everything will be easier.  But in the beginning, religion is like rice and all vegetables.  Eating the only curry causes indigestion, just like rice.

    Only slow and steadfast care for character building and intense effort for truth-seeking can have an impact on the future life of the human race.

    Come on, be human.  Come out of your narrow hole and see how all nations are progressing.  Do you love people  Do you love the country?  So come on, we try hard to get better জন্য to get better. Come on, be human.  Come out of your narrow hole and see how all nations are progressing.  Do you love people  Do you love the country?  So let's try our best to get better.

    Those who do not have the education to succeed, those who succeed only by a miracle, that success is a terrible disaster.

     I will not give up, but if I do not think about the direction in which I should take the helm and do not give a wise answer, then no matter how much I brag, I will tell him to give up.

   The youth of every country must re-verify the truth of the world, take the world in a new direction, to declare rebellion against untruth.  The old and the wise are afraid to adapt to the everlasting development of truth, but the burden on the young will test the truth.

     The education that is being driven in different ways by the efforts of different people of our nation can be called national.  Whether it is under the rule of the natives or the rule of the foreigners when a particular system of education wants to bind all the countries to a certain ideology, it cannot be called national — it is communal, therefore it is fatal for the nation.

   The thing of self-interest is not only small in itself, it also makes small whatever it interferes with.

  The country is not only geographical, the country is emotional.

 Inspirational Quotes Part 2: -

  It is not possible to cross the sea just by standing in front or looking at the water.

  The less fame he has, the faster he goes bankrupt.

  One can die for a thought.  But that thought does not die.  That thought spread to thousands after the death of one.

  Freedom can be won only with blood.  You give me blood.  I will give you freedom.

  Victory or freedom cannot be bought with people, money and outward appearances.  We need to have self-confidence, which will encourage us to take bold steps.

  India is calling.  Blood has called blood.  We don't have time to waste standing up.  Take up arms!

  Life must be presented in such a way that the truth is complete.

  Our biggest national problems are poverty, illiteracy, disease, scientific production.  The problems will be solved, only by social thought.

  Freedom is not given, it has to be taken away.

  Everything in the world is fleeting.  

  When we advise someone else, we give good advice but when we find ourselves in that situation, we continue to act like fools.

  If you have made a mistake for the first time in your life, it is not a mistake at all  But if you do that again and again, that's a mistake.

  In all situations there is good and it is bad It is good and bad in every human being  It's up to us to decide what we want to see.

  In every career, there is no limit to how far you can go.

  How can you be motivated to do something if you get frustrated over and over again?  The more you learn about that work, the more you will be inspired.  The more you explore the positive aspects of that work, the more you will be inspired.

  Always have to learn  The one who is learning is alive and the one who has stopped learning is a living corpse.

  Focus on learning, not earning  Earning is always possible in the future but learning is only in the present moment  So focus on learning, not on earning.

  People who do not change their thinking will not be able to change anything.

  Find a big reason for what you want to do, not a thousand, that's enough.

  There is only one definition of success for me - share, share from the heart and share with everyone.

  Every human being brings Aladdin's lamp when he comes to earth… but very few people can wake a sleeping monster from that lamp.

  There is good news with every bad news.

   And after a long time, she is happier than before when she realizes that a lot of things come to life in someone's love but nothing comes out of someone's negligence.

 Inspirational Quotes Part 3: -

   If a very perfect person asks him, he will also talk about his imperfection with great sorrow.  

  There is nothing like the joy of survival.  What a wonderful view all around.  We never see it with the mind.  

  No one can be like anyone else.  Everyone is like his own.   All people are different.

  Great foolishness is done by intelligent people.

  I will live in Chilokotha with a lot of books, but I don't want to be a king who doesn't love to read books.

  Study as if you have no time, you are eternal.  Live like this, go, it seems you will die tomorrow.  

  Control yourself.  Then discipline the other.  If you control yourself, you can control others.  It is difficult to control yourself.

  Two things in life are very painful.  One is when the people you love you but don't tell you.   

  Financial well-being brings friends, but not love.  

  The more valuable you are, the more you will be criticized.

  He who is jealous harms himself first.


Monday, July 26, 2021

July 26, 2021

Vaccination must be taken, says Modi in 'Mann Ki Baat',


  Vaccination must be taken, Modi said in 'Mann Ki Baat', the question of the opposition is where is the vaccine?

 As the days go by, the Modi government itself is pushing back its own goal of vaccination.

 The Center had said in its affidavit to the Supreme Court that the target was to vaccinate everyone over the age of 18 by December this year.  But last Friday, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandabia told parliament that it was impossible to say whether everyone in the country could be vaccinated within the stipulated time (December).  Within a day, Union Minister Piyush Gayal said on Saturday that everyone would get at least one dose of the Kovid vaccine by December.

 On Sunday morning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated in his radio message 'Mann Ki Baat' that there could be a danger if the vaccine is not taken.  To encourage everyone to get vaccinated, the Prime Minister cited the example of herself and her 100-year-old mother, who both received two doses of the vaccine.  But the question of the opposition, where is the vaccine?  The Prime Minister is asking everyone to get vaccinated.  But due to the lack of vaccines, the rate of daily vaccination is increasing by leaps and bounds.

 Congress alleges that 80 per cent of the country's population needs to be vaccinated to stem the tide.  If it is to be done by December, 93 lakh doses of vaccine need to be given daily.  But last week, an average of 36 lakh doses of vaccine were given daily.  Only 23 lakh doses of vaccine were given throughout the day on Saturday.  Congress leader Rahul Gandhi today quipped, "Vaccination would not have happened if the country had understood what was going on." CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury remarked,  Yes.  Now, Piyush Gayal, a minister in his government, has corrected it, saying that by December, almost everyone will get a dose of the vaccine. ”

 Giving 1 crore doses of vaccine daily means giving 30 crore doses of vaccine per month.  Earlier, the Modi government had promised to vaccinate at the same rate.  But Goyal said that now 12 crore vaccines are being given every month.  In the next one or two months, it will increase to 15 crores.  At the end of the year, it will probably touch 20 crores.

 The Prime Minister said in 'Mann Ki Baat' today that Corona has not left yet.  So Kovid must adhere to hygiene rules.  Hesitating to comment on the vaccine, the Prime Minister said, "I have taken two doses of the vaccine myself, my 100-year-old mother has taken two doses of the vaccine.  Sometimes a mild fever is coming.

 But very little, for a few hours.  Not getting vaccinated can be dangerous. "Yechury's question:" Prime Minister Modi, where is the vaccine?  In the last six months, less than 10 per cent of the population over the age of 18 has been vaccinated.  The budget allocated Rs 35,000 crore for vaccination.  The cost has been only 9625 crore rupees.  Less than one-third. "

 The Prime Minister today spoke of patriotism in his 'Mann Ki Baat'.  On the occasion of Kargil Victory Day, he asked everyone to read about the Kargil war.  August 15 marks the 75th anniversary of the country's independence.  Proud of the athletes who went to the Tokyo Olympics, the Prime Minister said to support them.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

July 25, 2021

Why do bureaucrats need to eat every day

To keep the body healthy, you need to eat amla regularly every day:-


What is bureaucracy?

Amla is a very familiar fruit. This is a kind of fruit. Amla fruits in a lot of vitamins C There are. Amla is a repository of Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant added fruit.

In India, a rich Bureaucracy of rich quality and useful quality is found.

What does Amla do?

Amla eliminates three doses in our body. Eliminates these three doses of air, acidity and selenium. Amla is the best fruit on earth. In Ayurveda, Amla is called Amrit. Amla is the most powerful fruit on earth.

Reduces excess body fat. Besides Keeps the skin bright, the hair black and supple. Every morning, it is necessary to take regular practice in the emptiness. Amla murabba, chutney, juice and fresh fruits are eaten Could.

Amla is the world's most antioxidant fruit. By oxidizing action, oxidation action increases our life Decreases. Amla prevents this oxidative action and increases our life expectancy.

 We need to take regular practice every day to increase our life expectancy. Amla cleanses the stomach.

Benefits of Eating Amla: -


Amla acts as a hair tonic. This is a particularly important ingredient for hair recognition. It strengthens the roots of the hair, grows the hair, closes the hair, makes the hair more callous. Resolves to prevent clotting.


Helps eliminate difficult issues like constipation, Pyle. Apart from Peter Galloway, indulgence helps a lot.


Increases digestive power. 1 Gelas in cold water 1 Spoon Amala is soaked in the crushed night and it is especially beneficial to eat in the morning on On an empty stomach. Increases digestion and eliminates gas.


 Amla increases the brightness of the skin by reducing the dark spots on the skin.


Amla juice helps to increase our visual power. It relieves various problems of the eyes such as eye inflammation, watery eyes, itching in the eyes etc. Amala is very useful for keeping eyes good.


Every day the bureaucratic juice of the Nissos stinks. Tighten the teeth. Bureaucracy increases the taste of our mouth and increases appetite.


Amla reduces mental stress and increases our immune system by keeping our bodies healthy.


  Bronchitis, nausea, insomnia, aches and pains are very beneficial. Very useful for bronchitis, asthma.


Amla strengthens the heart and lungs. Increases brainpower. Helps to reduce excess body fat quickly.


Controls blood sugar. It also helps in controlling cholesterol levels.

(11): -

A glass of milk or a mixture of amla juice in water is released twice a day to relieve acidity.


Help prevent phytochemical degradation in the process.


The iron present in the amla helps us to increase haemoglobin.


Amla helps to ward off a terrible disease like cancer.


Keeping a daily dietary routine eliminates nutritional problems.

Amla contains antibacterial in large quantities to help cure diseases like ulcers. The acidity of the body decreases with acidity. Amla regulates insulin and lowers blood sugar levels.

 The rules for eating bureaucracy:-

 Patients, healthy individuals, men, women and children above the age of five can also eat amal. It has no side effects.

Baking juice, baking powder, marmalade and fresh fruit can be eaten.

 In the morning, on an empty stomach, you will have to eat amla. If you want to get rid of gas, acid, acidity, blood sugar, you need to eat twice a day.

Warning: -
Pregnant women do not eat amla. If you want to eat, you can eat with the advice of an Ayurveda doctor.
July 25, 2021

What are the symptoms of uterine cancer


 Symptoms of uterine cancer and ways to keep the uterus healthy: ----

     The uterus is a pear-shaped organ, the progressive female reproductive organ, located in the pelvis between the bladder and the anus.

 Uterine cancer is also a very difficult disease.  Numerous women in the world today have been diagnosed with uterine cancer and many of them have died.

     Breast cancer is a scary name for girls.  The prevalence of this disease is increasing day by day all over the world.  However, uterine cancer is silently putting a terrible grip on death.

    Cervical cancer is called a 'silent killer'.  Because many women do not understand the symptoms of the disease.  

      Women with cervical cancer have a 50% lower survival rate if they are not treated early.  And those who get treatment from the beginning have a 95% chance of survival.

     According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, 560,000 women worldwide are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year and about 320,000 women die as a result.

      Many people think that uterine cancer may develop later in life.  But this is a misconception.  Women can get uterine cancer at any age.  Cervical cancer is called the silent killer.  

        Among European countries, especially in Northern and Eastern Europe, about 75,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2012, and cervical cancer is the most talked-about of the six types of cancer in European countries.  Because each year, some 250,000 women worldwide are diagnosed with cervical cancer.


      Researchers and doctors say that it takes 15 to 20 years for cervical cancer to enter the body.  This means that a lot of time is available to diagnose it.  So the doctors are emphasizing regular screening.

       Human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered to be one of the leading causes of cervical cancer.  There are more than 100 species of HPV.

 Experts say that cancer is caused by two types of human papillomavirus.  

       It is important to know some of the early symptoms of this disease to stay healthy.  If the symptoms appear, go to the hospital immediately and get cancer screening without neglecting or wasting time.


 What are the symptoms of uterine cancer:

 * Excessive pain or swelling in the abdomen.

 * Pain during intercourse.

 * Excessive fatigue.

 * Bleeding in women after menopause.

  * Sudden loss of appetite.

 * Gaining excess weight or sudden weight loss.

  * Pressure around the lower extremities or frequent urination.

 * Gas, indigestion, constipation.  Flatulence after a light meal, abdominal discomfort, etc. If any stomach problem is too much, it can be a sign of uterine cancer.

 Many women suffer from vaginal or vaginal infections.  Infection of this part creates great discomfort.  However, if some rules are followed, the vagina can be kept well.  Some experts have suggested some ways to maintain good vaginal health.

 Ways to keep the uterus healthy:

 Have a drink--

 Drinking adequate amounts of water helps to flush out contaminants from the body and helps maintain good vaginal health.  So drink enough water.

 Cotton Underwear ---

 Do not use tight underwear to maintain good vaginal health.  This can disrupt air circulation and cause infection.  Use cotton underpants.  Also, do not use tight pyjamas while sleeping.  Use cotton underwear.

 Eating habits ---

 Make it a habit to eat nutritious food to keep the vagina free from infection.  It will not only keep the vagina healthy, but it will also keep other parts of the body healthy.  Experts say that regular consumption of yoghurt is very effective in preventing vaginal infections.  So keep yoghurt on your diet regularly.

  Alkaline soap prohibited--

 Soap alkalis or cleansing ingredients sometimes destroy the body's good bacteria and make the infection worse.  So do not use such soap to keep the vagina good.

 Keep dry ---

 The vaginal area should not only be kept clean, it should also be kept dry.  Dampness creates infection.  So after cleaning with water, clean the place with a towel or tissue.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

features of the Indian Constitution


 Discuss the key features of the Indian Constitution?


Every country in the world has a constitution. This constitution is a reflection of the socioeconomic status of the country concerned.

 The main features of the Indian Constitution are discussed below: -

*1)The world's largest constitution:

  In the original constitution 395 Clauses, subsections and 8 The list was. Later, the Constitution was amended several times, resulting in a few New sections and lists have been added. Amended Constitution 405 Clause, numerous subsections and 12 The list is there.

The reason the Constitution is so frequent is that it has liberal moral democracy on, one hand, Various ideologies like socialism, public welfare state and Gandhism have been co-opted. On the other hand, the democratic states of the world are constitutional Experience has been gathered to try to make the constitution more complete by collecting various rules and regulations.

In addition to the distribution of power at the Center and State, discussions on Sakari and regional languages, Its shape has been increased to secure special constituencies, such as the Election Commission.

*2) A combination of written and unwritten constitutions:

Although the Indian Constitution was originally written, some of the features of the Unwritten Constitution can also be used. The Indian Constitution has occupied an important place in the customs, customs, and customs.

For example, in the Lok Sabha, when a government bill is voted on, the government is defeated The cabinet meeting has to resign. This practice is not written in the Indian constitution in parliamentary democracy.

*3) Constitution Recommendations:

A proposal has been added to the Indian constitution in imitation of the United States. These proposals indicate the constitution's motivation, moral ideals and original writings. In the preamble, India should be a totalitarian, socialist, secular, democratic, Generally described as.

Besides establishing social, economic and political justice, opinions, beliefs and Somewhere in the proposal the freedom of worship, the worship of every person and the establishment of the ideal of the brotherhood have been suggested in some places.

*4) A mixture of the flexible and rigid constitution:

The creation of new states, changes of boundaries or names of old states, creation or abolition of legislative councils Changes in the field of cases, such as a large number of seats in both houses of parliament, are needed. 

But to fix issues like the election of the President, the distribution of power of the Union State, the amendment of the constitution, the speciality of both the houses of Parliament In addition to the majority support, at least half of the states need support.

*5)Coordination of federal and central governance:

Written and revocable constitution, distribution of power between the Center and the states, the status of a neutral federal court India has some of the main features of the United States. However, in many cases, the tendency towards homogeneity is strong  Some constitutionalists have called India a semi-annexed state.

*6) Governance of the parliament:

The governance of the Council of Ministers of India has been established in imitation of England. All the governing powers of the country are vested in the President's office, but the President is the head of all government. Real power is not in his hands. There is a cabinet headed by the Prime Minister to govern the country.

*7) Basic Rights:

Chapter III of the Indian Constitution speaks of six basic rights.
The rights are:
A) Right to time or.
B)The right to freedom.
C)Rights against exploitation.
D)The right to religious freedom.
E)Rights related to culture and education.
F)The right to constitutional regulation.

Needless to say, these adventures are not arbitrary. Reasonable restrictions on rights are imposed in the larger national interest. The rights are enforceable by the court. What is more, the right to work or any other economic right has not been included in the Fundamental Rights chapter.

*8)Owner duties:

1976 In the 42 The amendment of the constitution of Tom speaks of the duty of the masters of Indian citizens. Although these powers cannot be enforced by the courts, they are meant to instil a spirit of unity and patriotism among the citizens.

*9) Instructional policy:

In the fourth chapter of the Indian Constitution in imitation of the Constitution of Ireland  36 From 51 No. The paragraph mentions some guiding principles in the management of the state. These rights are not enforceable by the court as a fundamental right. They are essential for establishing the social and economic rights of the citizens and for building a public welfare society. 

*10) Coordination between the jurisdiction of the judiciary and the sovereignty of Parliament:

The supremacy of Parliament in England and the jurisdiction of the United States of America The Indian constitution is moderated between these two systems. The Supreme Court's role as guardian of the Constitution and the protector of fundamental rights has been subjected to, At the same time, the sovereignty of Parliament has been subjected to certain constitutions.


An important feature of the Indian Constitution is secularism. The state is completely neutral in religious matters. The state does not favour any particular religion.

*12)One citizenship:

Like the United States, India has never been victimized India. The people of India all belong to the Indian United States on this day. No state citizenship has been victimized here.

*13) Emergency Powers:

Special measures have been inserted in the Indian constitution to address the state of emergency. Of the Presidential Constitution 352, 356 And 360 no. National emergency, respectively, In the state, the governing body can declare a known emergency and financial emergency. Many have criticized the constitutional system for this emergency as "open-minded".

*14) Special reservation:

In the Indian constitution, several special measures have been taken to improve the socio-economic and culturally backward classes. Of the Constitution 330 From 340 No. The section discusses the privilege of privilege for heat-laden races, tribes and Indians.

Examples include mentioning the advantages of securing seats in the Legislative Assembly, securing positions in government jobs, special financial incentives for education.

From the above features, it is prefaced that the creators of the Indian Constitution As far as Britain, the United States is bourgeois, democratic Inspired by the ideals of the state, the former Soviet Union or the Commonwealth Like China was not inspired by the ideals of a socialist state.