


Monday, August 9, 2021

August 09, 2021

Nations in defence of human rights


defence of human rights



      The purpose of the United Nations is to establish peace and security in the international arena.  Recognition of human rights is essential in the interests of world peace and security because peace cannot be established without recognition of the human rights and freedoms of all peoples of the world.  With this in mind, confidence in fundamental human rights has been established in the charter proposal.

      Confidence has been placed on the dignity and qualities of every human being.  The oath has been taken to establish equal rights for all, men and women, irrespective of caste and creed.

    The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations formed a Human Rights Commission in 1946, chaired by Elinnob Roosevelt, the wife of former the United States President Roosevelt.  After overcoming a difficult two-and-a-half-year debate, the commission finally drafted a universal draft in 1948.  48 ---- 0 This Declaration was adopted at the Paris Conference of the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10 of that year.  This day is being observed as World Human Rights Day as decided by the General Assembly.

     Article 30 of the Declaration adds major rights and fundamental freedoms.   and peace."  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be divided into two parts.  The rights included in the first part are largely political.  Articles 2 to 21 of the Declaration mention municipal and political rights.  Notable among the rights included in the first part is the right to life, liberty and personal security;  The right of movement and residence;  The right to end peacefully;  The right to form organizations;  The right to escape from arbitrary arrest and detention;  The right to a fair trial by an impartial court;  The right to privacy of correspondence;  Property rights;  The right to vote and to join the government;  Nationality rights etc.

    The rights mentioned in the second part of the Declaration are of socio-economic and cultural nature.  Articles 22 to 27 of the Declaration mention all these rights.  Notable rights include the right to work and a decent standard of living;  The right to social security and the right to retire; the Right to education;  The right to participate in cultural life;  Equality in government employment; the Right to health etc.

   In addition to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has adopted several other human rights declarations, such as 1) Declaration of the Rights of the Child 2) Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women 3) Declaration on Territorial 4) Declaration on Social Progress and Development 5) Declaration on the Rights of the Mentally Handicapped.

 UN initiatives to implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

         The Commonwealth did not end its responsibility with the Declaration of Human Rights.  The Commonwealth has also taken many initiatives to make this declaration meaningful.  The United Nations has organized human rights discussion circles and international conferences in different parts of the world.  In many cases, the United Nations has held extensive discussions on allegations of human rights abuses and condemned states that have not taken appropriate measures to protect human rights.  The General Assembly appointed a fact-finding committee to gather information on allegations of human rights abuses in South Africa, Israel and Hungary.  The Security Council intervened when human rights violations were found to be contrary to world peace.  The Security Council adopted a resolution in 1966 condemning Rhodesia's human rights record.

      The UN Secretariat has a complaint regarding human rights.  The Secretariat conducts work related to human rights through this department.  Arranges for the preparation and publication of a calendar on the human rights of the nations.  The United Nations has taken steps to provide consultative assistance on human rights.  The Human Rights Commission formed a sub-commission to prevent discriminatory measures and to protect the rights of minorities.

          Moreover, the Commonwealth has tried to protect human rights by convening various conferences, forming commissions and approving proposals on the prevention of conspiracies to abolish the existence of any nation, political asylum, workers' rights, abolition of slavery, protection of the status of women prisoners of war.  All sub-commissions of the Human Rights Commission have surveyed discriminatory practices in the implementation of education, religious rights, and justice.  An agreement on inequality in education was adopted by UNESCO in 1960 by the Sub-Commission.

   In 1956, the Economic and Social Council instructed member states to send reports every three years on the development and progress of human rights in their countries.  In 1966 an international conference was convened to eradicate all forms of apartheid.  Since the beginning of the Commonwealth, there have been allegations of human rights violations in South Africa, Namibia, Rhodesia, etc.  The sub-commission has investigated and investigated these matters.

    An international conference on human rights was held in Vienna in June 1913 at the initiative of the United Nations.  The conference pledged to make a universal declaration on human rights.  Appeals were made to stop racism, illegal arrests, torture and racial discrimination.  However, the conference did not add any new dimensions to the protection of human rights due to the heated debate and differences among the participating countries.


     The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights aroused great hope among the oppressed people of the world.  The United Nations has also taken steps to implement the declared rights.  Nevertheless, the protection of human rights has not been as successful as expected.  The reasons for this failure are as follows:

 1) Lack of legal obligation: -

       There is no legal obligation to comply with or enforce human rights.  Therefore, according to Nicholas and other authors, the human rights mentioned in the Declaration have no real value.  There is no system to enforce human rights.  No legal obligations have been placed on member states to enforce human rights.

 2) Cold War: -

      According to many, very few countries in the world have recognized and protected human rights and fundamental freedoms.  Many blame the "cold war" in the international arena for this failure to establish human rights.

 3) Failure of nations: -

       Human rights violations have taken place and are still taking place in different parts of the world.  The human rights of blacks in South Africa have been trampled underfoot, racism has been pursued in Namibia, and the United States, France, and England have long supported racism.  In all these cases the Commonwealth could not take any effective action.  The indiscriminate killing of people of Indian descent began in Sri Lanka.  In this case, too, the nations fail to play a meaningful role.  According to some critics, the main flaw of the Commonwealth is the lack of specific trials and tribunals, which led to the proposal to appoint a High Commissioner to oversee human rights.  However, due to the obstruction of many states, this proposal could not be implemented.

 4) Error of Section 2 (7) of the Charter: -

       Some blame Article 2 (7) of the Charter as one of the reasons for the failure of the United Nations in human rights matters.  According to this section, the nations cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any state.  Naturally accused states may resort to Article 2 (7) of the Charter for human rights violations.  Another flaw is that the UN Charter does not give any person the right or opportunity to apply directly to the UN for the preservation or restoration of his or her infringed rights.

 5) Error in executing the decision: -

       It is not enough to call some conventions or declarations in the name of protection of human rights, it is also necessary to show that those conventions or declarations are implemented.  But here is the weakness of the nations.  In 1956, the Economic and Social Council instructed members to report on the implementation of human rights in their respective countries every three years.  But it turned out that the report did not contain special information.  No action was taken based on that report.  A 1973 proposal called for a working group to investigate the allegations.  But this method did not work.  In many cases, the working group has reported to the sub-commissions but the sub-commissions have not taken any action.  Sometimes sub-commissions report to the Human Rights Commission.  But even then in most cases, no action was taken.

 Conclusion: -

       The nations have indeed failed miserably in protecting human rights;  It is also true that the nations should be more active in this regard.  But it must be remembered that a united nation is a world conscience.  No country in the world will be able to suppress this initiative of the United Nations for a long time as it has the support of the world behind the initiative of establishing human rights.  Oppressed people must be liberated from the clutches of the oppressor.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

August 08, 2021

Judicial powers of the Supreme Court of India


 Judicial powers


      The Supreme Court of India is at the top of India's integral justice system.  The Indian Supreme Court has to act simultaneously as a federal court, as the Supreme Court of Appeal, as an advisor to the President, as a guardian of the Constitution and as a defender of fundamental rights.  The Supreme Court of India is more powerful than any other Supreme Court in the world.

 1) Role as a Federal Court: - The Supreme Court of India has been entrusted with the responsibility of resolving disputes over the distribution of power between the Center and the States in India.  The Constitution of India recognizes this power as the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.  However, in reality, the Supreme Court is not seen to play a significant role in this regard, as the Center-State dispute is mostly resolved through dialogue.

 Court of Appeals

 2) Role as Court of Appeal: - The judgment of any court in India other than the Military Court Tribunal can be appealed to the Supreme Court against the final order.  The Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in any case relating to civil, criminal, constitutional interpretation.  The appellate area of ​​the U.S. Supreme Court is not so extensive;  This is because the appellate area of ​​the US Supreme Court is limited to constitutional matters only.

 3) Role as Advisor to the President: - Article 143 (1) of the Constitution states that the Supreme Court may advise the President on any complex question of law or information if the President seeks the advice of the Supreme Court.  This power of consultation has advised on various issues like Kerala Education Bill of 1957, Transfer of Berubari in 1959, Rehabilitation Bill of Jammu and Kashmir of 1982 etc.  Currently, the main advisory area of ​​the Supreme Court has become particularly significant.

 Guardian of the Constitution


 4) Role as Guardian of the Constitution: - The Supreme Court plays an important role as guardian and interpreter of the Indian Constitution.  The Supreme Court can judge whether a directive of a law and governance department of the law department is unconstitutional and if it is unconstitutional, it can declare it null and void.  The power of the Supreme Court is known as the power of "departmental review."

   It should be noted, however, that the judicial review power of the Indian Supreme Court is not as extensive as that of the US Supreme Court.  The U.S. Supreme Court, exercising this power by the "due process of law", can judge not only the procedural aspect of the law but also the excellence of the law.  That is, the U.S. Supreme Court decides whether the law is contrary to normal justice or reasonable.  The Indian Supreme Court, on the other hand, is only entitled to conduct proceedings by the "law-specific procedure".  The Supreme Court of India only decides whether a law has violated certain limits of the Constitution.  The Indian Supreme Court does not have the power to judge whether that law is just or reasonable.

    In addition to the above limitations, the Supreme Court of India has to complete this judicial review within a few other limitations.  As the Indian Constitution is subject to change, Parliament can easily amend the Constitution and invalidate the judgment of the Supreme Court.  Parliament, for example, nullified the judgment of the Golkanath case given by the Supreme Court in 1967 through the 24th Amendment to the Constitution.  During the rule of Rajiv Gandhi, the Supreme Court's verdict in the historic Shahbanu case was overturned bypassing Muslim Sharia law.  Article 5 of the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution, which was passed by Parliament in 1976, states that a court cannot judge the legitimacy of a law enacted by Parliament to implement a directive policy.  However, the Supreme Court overturned the clause in the 1980 Minerva Mills case.

  For these reasons, the Supreme Court of India has not been able to exercise the power and dignity of the US Supreme Court as the interpreter and protector of the Constitution.  So it is not as weak as the British judiciary.  Parliament cannot repeal any law establishing the sovereignty of the British Parliament.  The position of the Indian Supreme Court is between the United States and Britain.

 Defender of fundamental rights

 5) Role as a defender of fundamental rights: - Protecting civil rights in the federal system is a special responsibility of the federal court.  The Constitution of India has vested this power and responsibility in the hands of the Supreme Court.  Article 32 of the Constitution states that the Supreme Court can issue 5 types of articles to enforce fundamental rights, namely: 1) habeas corpus 2) decree 3) prohibition 4) questioning of rights and 5) extortion.

   Article 13 of the Constitution states that any law enacted in violation of fundamental rights will be repealed.  This right means that the Supreme Court has at various times repealed various anti-fundamental rights laws and has thus played an important role in upholding fundamental rights.  For example, the Supreme Court repealed Sections 5 and 55 of the Banking Nationalization Act of 1969, the President's Order on the State Allowance Bill of 1970, and the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution Act of 1976.

  In this context, it should be kept in mind that the Supreme Court's view on anti-fundamental rights laws has not been uniform.  For example, in the Shankarprasad case in 1952, in the Sajjan Singh case in 1965, the Supreme Court ruled that fundamental rights could be amended.  Parliament has no right to revoke fundamental rights as the Supreme Court changed its mind in the 1967 Golkanath case.  In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that the fundamental rights in the Keshbananda Bharati case deserved to be amended.  Contradictory rulings have left many sceptical of the Supreme Court's role in protecting fundamental rights.

 The new role of the Supreme Court

 6) Recent role of the Supreme Court: - Recently, a new role has been seen in the Supreme Court.  Earlier, filing cases in the Supreme Court and other courts was complicated and costly.  As a result, the common man must have been deprived of justice.  But in December 1981, S.  Hon'ble Justice of the Supreme Court in the case of P. Gupta.  N.  Bhagwati gave a landmark verdict.  And since then, the role of the judiciary has changed dramatically.  The verdict, in that case, relaxed the legal complexities of the public interest litigation and provided for cost reduction.  Such lawsuits are called public interest litigation or public interest litigation.

  The Supreme Court has overturned the directives of many undemocratic law and order departments in this birth interest case.  Solved a variety of social problems and benefited many ordinary and deprived people.  For example, in July 1983, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the death penalty for those convicted of homicide.  In addition, the Supreme Court in 1986 stood up for the starving people in the Kalahandi region of Orissa with the noble cause of social welfare.

  However, in the name of this public interest litigation, the Supreme Court is currently dealing with so many issues that many have criticized as judicial over-activism.  The Supreme Court is currently seen to be ordering environmental pollution control, garbage removal, protection of monuments, widening of roads, etc.  In all cases where the welfare of the people is not taken into consideration, for example, when a court orders the closure of a factory for environmental pollution, it is unthinkable that many workers will lose their jobs and suffer indescribably.  Renowned lawyer and MP Somnath Chatterjee said, "The job of the judiciary is not to make laws, but to enforce them."  Expressing concern over judicial activism, Justice Sedley remarked, "Judicial Activities Menace to the Rule of Law."

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

August 04, 2021

Procedure for amending the Indian Constitution


 Discuss various methods of amending the Indian Constitution



      The framers of the Indian Constitution were not in favour of making the Indian Constitution too flexible.  Too flexible would be inconsistent with India's federal structure;  Again, if it is made too rigid, it will not be able to keep pace with the changes of the age.  So they wanted to reconcile the two so that the necessary dynamism of the constitution could be maintained, while at the same time harmonizing with the Indian federal structure.  MP Sharma, in his book The Government of the Indian Republic, remarked that the Indian constitution reflected a combination of the constitutional amendment system prevalent in both the monolithic and federal states.

      Not all parts of the Indian Constitution can be changed in the same way.  The Constitution of India can be amended with the help of three methods. Article 368 of the Constitution mentions two methods and one method is discussed sporadically in different parts of the Constitution.

 The first method: -

      Article 368 (1) of the Constitution states that Parliament may, by exercising its 'constitutional powers', add, delete or change the Constitution.  Article 368 (2) of the Constitution states that a proposal to amend the Constitution may be raised in any House of Parliament in the form of a Bill.  Article 368 (2) further states that the bill shall be sent to the President for approval after approval by a majority of the total members of each chamber of Parliament and two-thirds of the voting members present.  The amendment takes effect once the President signs it.  According to this method, the fundamental rights mentioned in the third part of the constitution, the directive principles described in the fourth part can be changed about 80% of the constitution.

 The second method: -

       There are several issues in the Constitution that need to be amended. After the first procedure is approved in both Houses of Parliament, the amendment proposal is sent to the Legislature of the States for approval.  With the support of at least half of the state legislatures, the proposal is sent to the President for approval.

 1) Presidential election and election system (catch No. 54 and 55).

 2) Governance relations between the Center and the States (Articles 63 and 162),

 3) Formation of High Court for Union Territories (Section 241),

 4) Matters relating to the Supreme Court as described in Chapter IV of Part V of the Constitution, matters relating to the composition, functions and jurisdiction of the High Court described in Chapter V of Chapter VI,

 5) The Seventh Schedule and the distribution of power among the States,

 6) Representation of States in Parliament,

 7) The method of amending the constitution is described in section 368.

 Article 24 of the Constitution Amendment Act of 1971 states that Article 13 of the Constitution shall not apply to amendments to the Constitution organized by Article 368.  The 42nd Amendment to the Constitution Act of 1976 states that no question can be raised in the court about the parts of the Constitution which are amended by Article 368.

 Third method: -

     There is no need to follow any special procedure for the issues that are amended according to the third method of amending the constitution.  All these parts can be amended in the form of general legislation with the support of the general majority in both the Houses of Parliament to create new states or state reorganizations.  These include changing the boundaries or names of the old states, creating or abolishing second chambers in the states, privileges of Parliament, salaries and allowances, rules on 'quorum' in Parliament, official language, an extension of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

 The 24th Amendment to the Constitution, enacted in 1981, states that any constitutional amendment bill sent to the President must be complied with.  However, if there is a disagreement between the two chambers of Parliament over the Constitution Amendment Bill, it is cancelled;  In this case, there is no joint session.

 Evaluation: -

     Analyzing the method of amending the Constitution of India, the following features are observed ---

 First, the third of the three methods mentioned above are extremely common;  The first and second methods are relatively complex.  The constitution has been kept in abeyance where states have vested interests.  Therefore, the Constitution of India cannot be said to be as flexible as the Constitution of Britain, nor can it be said to be as inflexible as the Constitution of the United States.  The Indian Constitution has made a compromise between flexibility and inflexibility.  Professor Carey praised the coordination process, saying "The Constitution of India strikes a balance."

    However, judging from the reality, the Constitution of India can be called a change.  The US Constitution has been amended only 27 times in its 200-year history;  In that case, the Indian Constitution has been amended eight six times in just 45 years.

 Second, the method of amending the Constitution of India is not consistent with the federal policy, as (1) the State Legislatures have no role in raising the Constitution Amendment Bill.  (2) Parliament has the final say on the name of the state, change of boundaries, formation of the state, reorganization, etc.  (3) States have no role in amending most constitutions except for a few.

 Third, the Constitution is silent on the number of days that bills must be submitted to state legislatures for approval.

 Fourth, there is no end to the debate over whether fundamental rights can be amended.  The main point of contention is Article 13 (2) of the original constitution and the various contradictory judgments given by the Supreme Court in this regard at different times.  Article 13 (2) of the original constitution stated that if a law was enacted in a way that violated fundamental rights, that law would be considered null and void.  The Supreme Court, while passing judgments in the Shankariprasad case (1952) and Sajjan Singh (1965), commented that the fundamental rights deserved to be amended.  But it overturned the Supreme Court's ruling in the 1967 Golkanath case, saying parliament did not have the power to amend fundamental rights.  The Supreme Court's judgment in the Bharati case in 1973 goes back to its earlier state, saying that Parliament can change any part of the Constitution by its constitutional powers, but it cannot change the basic structure of the Constitution.  In the Keshbananda Bharati case (1973) and later in the Minerva case (1980), the Supreme Court recognized that fundamental rights were amendable.

    According to many, the concept of the basic structure of the constitution is confusing. There can be no such thing as the basic structure of the constitution.  And the bullets that seem to be fundamental may no longer be fundamental as conditions change in the future.  In this context, the famous statement of the Constituent Assembly Jawaharlal Nehru can be recalled: "There is no permanence in the constitution .... If you make anything rigid and permanent you stop a nation's growth."

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 03, 2021

A new easy scientific way to keep the body healthy

 A new easy scientific way to keep the body healthy

To prevent piles, you must drink plenty of water every day.

 Ways to keep the body healthy

     To keep our bodies healthy, we need to eat proper and healthy food throughout the day, just as we need to drink pure drinking water.  Water helps to keep the body healthy.

   We always do something in our daily life.  And because of that our body gets sick a lot of the time and the body gets bad.  So if we want to keep the body healthy, we have to take care of different things.

   Illness can affect people of any age.  However, if anything is taken care of in the first place, it can be controlled.  But when time passes, you are in danger.  Therefore, to prevent any disease in the first place, it is necessary to improve the quality of life to maintain good body health.  There are some healthy tips for him that if you follow them properly and follow the rules, your body will be in good health and your mind will be fresh and vibrant.

     So everyone from young to old has a lot of problems with these diseases.

    There is a thing in our body that keeps the chemical value right, which is called pH in scientific terms.   If this pH is right we are healthy, if not we are sick.  Our body stays healthy if this pH balance is right.

    Ideal blood pH levels need to be slightly alkaline (between 6.375 and 7.45) for good health.  The pH scale is calculated from 0-14.  Neutral pH 7.0.  The higher the pH (higher than 8) the more alkaline or basic, but the lower the pH is acidic.  Therefore, as seen in lipids, 6 levels of pH are rarely found in sick people.

    When humans are born, babies are mostly alkaline.  As the baby gradually diverts in food intake, eating more cooked foods, the baby born with alkaline also becomes acidic.

 The scientific ways to keep the body healthy are: -

 1) Drink enough water to keep the body healthy: -

      Just as you need to eat proper and healthy food throughout the day, you also need to drink the right amount of pure drinking water.  This is because drinking water not only quenches thirst but also retains moisture in the body, meeting the body's internal water needs and helping to keep the whole body healthy.  As a result, it is very important to drink enough water.  We need to drink at least 4/5 litres of water every day.  Drinking more water keeps the kidneys healthy.  The body and mind are both good. The body is healthy.

 2) Be aware of cholesterol to keep the body healthy: -

  We need to pay special attention to our minds.  in a much better way.  The body should stay away from all foods that increase cholesterol. To keep the body healthy, you need to be aware of cholesterol.

 3) To keep the body healthy, eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and vegetables: -

 We eat a variety of foods every day.  We don't care if there are vitamins in that food or how much.  Which can cause our body to get sick.  You have to take care of your body and eat vegetables every day.  Besides, there are different types of fruits like apples, grapes, Ventanas, oranges and many more fruits that should be eaten.  There are many seasonal fruits during the season which include vitamins A, B, C, D and many other vitamins which are very beneficial for the body.  To keep the body healthy, you must eat vegetables and fruits regularly every day.

 4) Exercise to keep the body healthy: -


     To keep the body healthy, you must walk or exercise according to the rules.  The gym can also be done if possible.    These actions move the body.  

 5) If you want to keep the body healthy, you have to control your weight: -

     We need to pay attention to the reasons that make the body fat or gain weight.  Stay away from fast food, junk food, trans fat, tea, coffee etc.  Weight must be controlled to keep the body healthy.

 6) Physical work to keep the body healthy: -

    If you do your work every day, you will see that the body will be healthy.  And if your work is done by someone else and you are sitting, then you will become lazy day by day.  Numerous diseases will take up residence in your body and you will get sick.  And if you do your work, then your body parts will move, the body will exercise, the body's resistance to disease will increase and the body and mind will be healthy.  So if you want to keep the body healthy, you have to do regular physical work.

 7) Eat enough food at the right time every day to keep the body healthy: -

    Many of us today do not eat at the right time.  It has been seen that many of us eat breakfast at noon, lunch at night, and dinner at midnight.  As a result, our body's need for food becomes dull.  The body becomes worse.  Various diseases such as gastric, ulcer disease disorders nest in the body.  Food is one of the main means of keeping the body healthy.  If you don't eat, you will get sick.  So we have to keep an eye on the food and eat enough at the right time to keep the body healthy.  Do not eat extra food.

 8) Adherence to hygiene rules to keep the body healthy: -

     W.h.o. to keep our body healthy.  Hygiene rules must be followed.  Otherwise, no matter how much you do, the body will not be good.  What you play will make your body worse, what you play will make your body better, what you do will make your body worse and what you do will keep your body healthy.  It is better to do a body checkup at least once a month.  Then you can understand the condition of your body.  Hygiene is very important to keep the body well.

 9) Calorie consumption to keep the body healthy: -

       We must have calorie knowledge to keep the body healthy.  If we can't consume the calories we consume in 24 hours then we get sick.  We need to consume excess calories in our bodies.  For that, you need physical work, exercise, walking, cycling etc. It consumes a lot of calories in our bodies.

 Ways to keep women's bodies healthy: -

     Women often suffer from various problems like menstruation, menopause, acne, anaemia, irregular periods, obesity etc.  In most cases, women avoid all these problems.  But all these problems should not be avoided.


    During menopause, women need to eat calcium-rich foods.  With moderate diet and exercise is also needed.  You can do yoga.


    Physical problems before menstruation - Many women experience various physical problems before menstruation.  Such as unbearable pain in the waist.  In that case, try to keep liquid food in your daily diet.   Avoid alcohol and smoking at this time.  Avoid processed foods and fast food in case of diet.  Eat light meals made at home.  Take a bath in cold water.


    Mango, aloe vera and rejuvenation help prevent anaemia.  Also eat plenty of iron-rich foods such as spinach, nuts, beets, meat, apples, mangoes.


      You need to eat fibre-rich foods.  Don't smoke.  Eat green vegetables, guava, apple, amla aloe vera.

Monday, August 2, 2021

August 02, 2021

Give an overview of the different elements and stratification of the atmosphere



 different elements and stratification of the atmosphere


 Atmospheric material: -

      The atmosphere is a compound mixture.  Meteorologists have divided the atmosphere into three main categories.  Such as 1) mixture of different gaseous substances, 2) water vapour and 3) different organic and inorganic particles.

 1) Mixtures of different gaseous substances -

 A) Nitrogen The maximum amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere is 78.1 per cent.

 B) Oxygen-- The second major component of the atmosphere is oxygen (20.9) per cent.

 C) Carbon dioxide The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is very small (0.033) per cent.

 2) Water vapour -

       Atmospheric humidity, clouds, rain, snow, etc. are caused by the effect of water vapour.  The role of water vapour in controlling the temperature of the atmosphere is also important.  However, water vapour does not remain the same everywhere in the atmosphere.

 3) Various organic and inorganic particles In addition to gaseous elements and water vapour, various organic and inorganic particles can be observed in the atmosphere.

 Atmospheric stratification ---


    The different layers of the atmosphere can be divided into two parts.  Such as--

 A) Stratification of the atmosphere according to chemical composition and

 B) Stratification of the atmosphere according to capacity.

 A) Atmospheric stratification according to chemical composition ---

     The chemical composition of the atmosphere can be divided into two main levels.

  1) Hemisphere -

      The level of the atmosphere up to about 90 km above sea level is called the hemisphere.  The word hemisphere means atmosphere.  This layer is called the hemisphere because of the composition of the various chemical elements in the atmosphere and the fact that a proportional rate is maintained between the elements.  The hemisphere is mainly composed of three types of elements.  Namely - 1) a mixture of different gaseous substances, 2) water vapour, 3) different organic and inorganic particles.

 2) Heterosphere stratification -

      The heterosphere can be further divided into four sub-layers.  1) molecular nitrogen layer, 2) atomic oxygen layer, 3) helium layer and 4) hydrogen layer.

 B) Atmospheric stratification according to temperature -

    The atmosphere can be divided into several layers according to the temperature.  The hemisphere has a troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere and the heterosphere has an ionosphere, exosphere and magnetosphere.

 1) Troposphere -

        It extends from the surface to a maximum of 18 km in the equatorial region and a minimum of 8 km in the polar region.  In addition, the air layer, which extends up to 100 km from the surface, greatly affects the surface weather and climate.  All the changes in the climate of the earth i.e. clouds, storms etc. can be observed at this level.  For this reason, it is called the variable layer or troposphere.  This part is known as the troposphere.  Most of the processes of the Earth's climate are limited to this level.  With an increase in altitude of 1 km per level, the temperature decreases at a rate of 6.4.  The 2 - 3 km wide layer above is called the tropopause.

 2) Stratosphere -

     The stratosphere is a layer that extends up to a height of about 50 km above the troposphere.  Since there are no clouds, storms, etc. in the stratosphere, jets fly through this layer to calm down. At this level, the temperature gradually increases with increasing altitude. At an altitude of about 50 km, the air temperature is highest and 10.  The stagnant layer above the stratosphere is known as the stratosphere.  The main reason for the rise in temperature in the stratosphere is the location of ozone gas in this part.  As a result, not only does the temperature rise, but the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun can no longer reach the earth's surface due to the presence of the ozone layer in this part of the atmosphere.

 3) Mesosphere -

     The mesosphere is the layer that extends about 80 km above the surface of the stratosphere.  At an altitude of 80 km, the air temperature drops to -93.  As the height of the mesosphere increases, the temperature decreases rapidly and the maximum temperature decreases to about 100 C.  The lowest temperature of the atmosphere can be observed at this level.  Due to this, the meteorites coming from space towards the earth are burnt to ashes.  The stagnant layer above the mesosphere is called menopause.

 4) Ionosphere -

     The ionosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that survives at an altitude of about 700 km above the surface of the mesosphere.  The air here is very light and the ions are ionized for intense sun rays.  This layer acts as a reflector in the case of radio waves, making it possible to communicate with the rest of the world.  As the lower part of the ionosphere rises to an altitude of about 500 km, the temperature rises very rapidly and the maximum temperature in the atmosphere at an altitude of about 500 km is about 1200.  The warmest layer of the atmosphere is called the thermosphere.

     At this level, the magnetic resistance of the electromagnetic molecule produces a beam of light that is called the North Pole and the South Pole.

 5) Exosphere -

     The layer in the atmosphere above the ionosphere is called the exosphere.  The concentration of hydrogen and helium atoms in the layer can be observed.

 6) Magnetosphere--

     Recently meteorologists have speculated about the existence of a magnetosphere above the exosphere, but little is known about it.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

July 31, 2021

Ways to keep the heart healthy by cleaning the blood vessels


Ways to keep the heart healthy by cleaning the blood vessels

 To remove toxins from the blood

 The kidneys and liver play a major role in purifying the blood.  Some household items can play a beneficial role in this blood purification process.

 As a result of various biological processes, these home remedies help remove waste from the blood and protect against certain diseases.

 The report is based on a report published on a health-related website.


   Lemon juice cleanses the blood and digestive system.  This acidic type of juice can change the level of acid-base and remove toxins from the blood.  Drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach every morning removes contaminants from the body.  It is enough to mix half a lemon juice in lukewarm water.

 Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda:

    This mixture maintains the acid-base balance of the body, which purifies the blood and tissues.  This mixture cleanses uric acid from the blood.

 Mix half a tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in an empty glass.  The mixture should be left for a while so that the foam is reduced.   Baking soda is inactivated when mixed with apple cider vinegar.  However, those who have high blood pressure should consult a doctor before drinking this mixture.


     Amla is an antioxidant fruit.  There are many benefits to chewing 1 to 2 amla regularly on an empty stomach every morning.  You can also eat amla juice regularly every day.  Amla contains a lot of vitamin C. Regular consumption of amla removes all the contaminants from the body and keeps the body fresh and fresh.  Bureaucracy keeps the blood clean, which greatly reduces the chances of heart disease.

 Food that keeps the heart healthy by cleaning the blood vessels

     The most important part of our body is the heart, but, surprisingly, we are at least indifferent to its care.  The stress on our heart is increasing day by day due to daily stress and unhealthy diet and it is a matter of great concern that our favourite fatty foods like burgers, pies and various fast foods increase the levels of cholesterol which does not allow the heart to function properly.

   We have come up with a list of some foods that will clean your blood vessels, heal you overall and reduce your risk of a heart attack a lot in the future and as a bonus, we have a delicious juice recipe that will keep your heart's blood vessels clean.



     Different types of nuts are rich in protein, fibre and vitamin E which reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body.



 Green Tea:

     Just one cup of green tea a day lowers your body's excess cholesterol levels.  And boosts metabolic energy which helps in reducing excess weight.


     It contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that keep blood pressure normal.

 Marine fish:

     Try to eat marine fish 2/3 times a week which will lower your blood pressure and keep you healthy.


      You can eat oats except for rice as it has a lot of fibre which will keep you healthy by lowering cholesterol.

 Berries / Strawberries:

    Berries and strawberries lower blood pressure and keep the blood clean

 Also watermelon, garlic, apple, vedana, olive oil, many benefits for the heart.

 Here's a delicious juice recipe that will keep your heart's blood vessels clean.

 Ginger juice: -

     250 mg

 Garlic - 250 mg

 Lemon juice - 250 mg

 Apple cider vinegar - 250 mg

 Honey - 5 tbsp

 Mix all ingredients except honey, and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon.  Then cool it completely and add honey.  Dia, became a great drink to keep the heart well.  You can keep these drinks in the fridge for 1 to 2 months.  

 Health: 5 changes in diet to keep the heart fresh


 According to one statistic, heart disease is responsible for at least one-fourth of all premature deaths in Britain.

 The Nutrition Foundation's research report says that heart disease can be prevented only if the microbiome, which is very small in the human body, is healthy and the waist size is not increased too much, as well as blood pressure and cholesterol levels can be kept low.

 Scientists say that this can be achieved by making small changes in daily eating habits.

 But the question is what kind of change should be made in food and chess?

 1.  Eat more fibrous foods

 Eat foods that are high in fibre.  These foods produce healthy bacteria in the body.

 These bacteria help control cholesterol levels.

 Vegetables that are high in fibre include beans and peas, pulses and fruits.

 Nutritionists say that when potatoes and root vegetables are cooked with their skins, they also provide a lot of fibre.


 2.  Reduce your intake of saturated fats

   This also increases the risk of heart disease.

 Cheese, yoghurt, red meat, butter, cakes, biscuits and coconut oil are high in saturated fat.

 Avoid fatty foods.

 Heart attack: Health tests that are not neglected

 To prevent heart disease, they say, you need to eat foods that are not saturated fat (foods that do not freeze fat).

 These foods include oil-rich fish, nuts and seeds.  They emphasize cooking with olive, rapeseed, sunflower, corn and walnut oils.

 Milk should be skimmed or semi-skimmed (removing fat from milk).  Make sure that the food is not mixed with sugar from outside.  Chicken should be eaten instead of red meat.  Remove the chicken skin.

 Eat fish that has a lot of oil at least once a week.


 3.  Say goodbye to salt

 Eating more salt increases blood pressure in the body.  

 Healthcare providers in Britain say their advice from the NHS is to eat a maximum of 8 grams (one teaspoon) of salt a day.

 Avoid sugar and salt.

 What is being made in the university with one and a half thousand crore rupees

 They say it is a habit to eat more or less salt.  The less salt you eat, the less you need it.

 It only takes about four weeks to change this habit.  After this time you will not be able to understand that you are not eating salt with food.


 4.  Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals

 Foods that are high in vitamins and minerals help keep us healthy.

 Not only that, but these foods also reduce the risk of heart disease.

 Minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium prevent high blood pressure.  These minerals can also have a positive effect on preventing the causes of heart disease.

 Many food experts believe that it is possible to get these vitamins and minerals only through a healthy and balanced diet.

 You don't have to rely on tablets for all this.  However, the exception is vitamin D.

 Foods that need to be eaten if one is deficient in vitamins and minerals:

 Eat five fruits or vegetables every day.  A small glass of juice.  You can also eat beans and pulses.  Almonds and seeds contain vitamin E in the national diet.

 Vitamin B is found in fish, dairy foods and whole grains.  Potassium in bananas, potatoes and fish.

 Magnesium in pulses and whole grains.  Calcium is found in dairy foods and green leafy vegetables.

 5.  Reduce calories if you are overweight


 Because if you eat less sugar, salt, saturated fat foods, foods that contain vitamins and minerals, then you are less likely to get fat again.

 We have to keep an eye on the weight so that it does not increase.

 Remember that being obese increases the risk of heart disease.  Especially if fat accumulates in the waist.

 If the waist of a man is more than 36 inches and the waist of a woman is more than 31.5 inches, then the weight should be reduced.

 It is possible to control weight by reducing the number of calories consumed.

 More ways:

 1.  You need to sleep 8 to 9 hours every day.

 2.  Exercise at least two and a half hours a week.

 3.  Reduce stress.

 4.  Quit smoking.

 The easiest way to keep arteries clean:

  Arteries, or arteries, carry blood throughout our bodies.  So you need healthy arteries to circulate oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.  However, many people have a plaque of cholesterol that blocks the flow of blood in the arteries.  When plaque builds up in the arteries, blood flow is impaired and blood and oxygen flow in the body is reduced.  As a result, some parts of your body do not function properly and your limbs are damaged.


 You need good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) to control the level of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) in your body.  Extremely bad cholesterol in the body is called the 'silent killer because most of the time it is not caught and when it is caught it is too late.

 Plaques deposited in blood vessels or arteries:

 Plaque buildup in the arteries is obstructing blood flow.

 One study looked at the health of 36,375 adult participants.  None of the participants at the start of the test had heart disease or diabetes, and the risk of having a heart attack or stroke was very low.  The levels of bad cholesterol in the blood of most participants were lower than the levels that could cause health damage.  The study participants were monitored for 28 years.  The study found that after 28 years, 1,07 participants died of cardiovascular disease and 596 of them died of coronary heart disease.  As a result, the researchers believe that the level of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) is responsible for this, although the levels were lower in their bodies.  [Read more about these 15 reasons you should eat more fish]

 Excluding research topics, these 3 foods will help you heal if your arteries are blocked due to plaque: garlic, turmeric and oatmeal.

 Home Remedies to Keep Blood Vessels Clean:


 1.  Garlic

 Studies have shown that garlic helps reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and stops the accumulation of this cholesterol in the arteries.  This keeps the arteries clean and stops blood clots and lowers blood pressure.


 You can eat 2 to 4 cloves of garlic every day.  You will get the best benefits by playing it raw.  If you have trouble eating raw, eat 5 to 6 cloves of garlic with your daily diet.  You can eat them with sauce or salad or rub them on a bread toast.  Garlic is also available in tablet, capsule or powder form.


 2.  Yellow

   Known as a cooking ingredient, this spice will help keep your arteries clean, reduce bad cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.  The main ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, has anti-inflammatory properties and stops clotting in blood platelets.  It also soothes yellow blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.


 The best way to eat turmeric is to drink turmeric milk.  Mix one teaspoon of turmeric with a little honey and one cup of hot milk and drink it 1 to 2 times a day.  Since we always use turmeric in cooking, it is enough to drink turmeric milk once a day.  Yellow capsules are also available as a supplement, but consult a doctor before starting to take turmeric supplements.

 3.  Oatmeal

   Oatmeal is very good food for the heart as it has a lot of soluble fibre.  According to the American Heart Association, adults should consume 25 to 30 grams of fibre per day.  This is why oatmeal will help keep your arteries clean.


 One bowl of oatmeal (3-4 cups) contains 3 grams of soluble fibre which is easier to digest than insoluble fibre.  Soluble fibre attaches to the body's cholesterol, which helps you digest cholesterol and stop it from accumulating in the blood.  This lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

 It is healthy to eat 1 to 2 bowls of oatmeal every day.  Oatmeal you can eat mixed with a little honey and fruits and nuts.

July 31, 2021

Discuss Bismarck's contribution to the unification of Germany.



 Bismarck's contribution to the unification of Germany


     Bismarck was the head of German unification.  It cannot be said that the Germans were the first to think of unity.  The unity movement began in Germany long before his arrival, and German nationalists paved the way for the unity movement.  But the history of German unification flowed into the liberal and constitutional spheres until 1850, but the failure of the liberal system opened a new chapter in the history of German unification.

       This new stage was led by the Prime Minister of Prussia, Bismarck.  He proceeded on the two real paths of diplomacy and war.

 Bismarck's policies and procedures: -


 In the monarchy, Prussia's supremacy over military power ---

     1) Bismarck's political ideology and policy were based on his belief in a monarchy.

    2) He was determined to unite the whole of Germany under the Prussian monarchy.  That is why he tried his best to destroy the dominance of Austria over Germany.

    3) Realizing that war would be inevitable, he took firm steps to increase his military strength.  He firmly believed that only military force could solve Germany's problems.

 Conflict with the House of Representatives, military organization complete ---

      Following this policy in practice, his conflict with the majority liberals in the House of Representatives became inevitable, with the House of Representatives ignoring the annual government budget.  But as he continued to make the necessary money to build military power, the Prussian regime became an autocracy.

     Bismarck, meanwhile, focused on Prussia's progress at home and abroad.  As the organizational strength of the Prussian army increased.  Defeated in the war with Italy, Austria's military and diplomatic power were weakened.  Bismarck, on the other hand, developed diplomatic relations with Russia and achieved Russia's neutrality in the Prussian unity movement, taking advantage of the monomalignment between Russia and Austria.

 Different Steps to Unification: The Schleswig and the Holstein Problem - The War with Denmark:

      In the south of Denmark, the two centres, Schleswig and Holstein, were legally under Danish rule, but in internal affairs, the two Dutch enjoyed complete autonomy.  Some of the inhabitants of Schleswig were Danes, but most of Holstein was German.

      As nationalism spread, problems arose with the two Dachis, with nationalists in both countries demanding the inclusion of the two countries.  When the problem became more complicated, the Danes-Raj wrote a new constitution in 1848, trying to annex the two Dutch dukes as a whole.

      Prussia and Austria disagreed over the future of these two places.  There is a war going on over who will dominate those two places.  But in the end, in 175, the two were settled by the Treaty of Gastin.

 The war between Austria and Prussia (17): -

      Bismarck wanted to expel Austria from Germany, so he had no intention of making Gastin's contract last.  He described the agreement as a "crackdown on paper".  So Bismarck began to prepare for the next war.

      His first task was to achieve the neutrality of European states in a possible war.  He gained Russia's friendship by remaining neutral in the Polish uprising.  By isolating Austria in this way, Bismarck began to look for opportunities for war.

      In 16 AD, Austria introduced the question of Schleswig-Holstein to the Confederate diet.  It sent troops to Prussia Holstein, accusing it of opposing Gastin's treaty.  In protest, the Austrian-led Diet declared war on Prussia.  This war lasted only seven days.

     After losing several battles, Austria was finally defeated in the Battle of Salwar in 16 AD.  This resulted in the subjugation of Prussia, not just Austria but the whole of Germany.

 Franco - Prussian War (180): -

       As a result of the Battle of Salwar, the Jarna-unity was partially completed.  France is now the main obstacle in the way of complete unity.  So Bismarck understood that a war with France was inevitable.  France also considered this war necessary for several reasons.

      Prussia's unexpected victory in the Battle of Sadoar, the establishment of its dominance over the North German Confederation, and its military build-up shocked France.  Bismarck also realized that a war with France was inevitable to achieve German unity because the annexation of the South German states to the North German Confederation would not allow France to happen at all.

      So Bismarck understood that a situation had to be created when France itself declared war on Prussia and a sense of nationalism and national unity arose in all German states.

     As soon as the war broke out, Bismarck declared France a foreign invader.  When news of Belgium's occupation was published, England also became dissatisfied with France and adopted neutrality.  Bismarck's diplomacy wins.

    A review of the various steps taken by Bismarck shows that Prussian military power played a major role in uniting Germany.